I've Come Home

I've Come Home
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Monday, October 29, 2012

John's been denied critical medical test!

Family and friends, please read and heed!

While some are so busy raving about Obamacare and how no one can be denied coverage (even illegals,) maybe it’s time to really think about assessing its merits, about exactly what 'coverage' you will get, especially when its effects hit this close to home!  Insurance companies aren’t going to sit idly by and lose billions of dollars over Obamacare, and are finding new ways to absorb these tremendous extra costs.  Ever hear of death panels?  They are real, folks!  Emails have been going around for quite a while detailing various American’s dilemmas with being denied life-saving procedures or surgeries because of their age, etc.  Now it has come home to John.  That’s right, John, who has been having this annual test for five years since his three heart-attacks and five stints.

John called his cardiologist’s office to set up his annual physical and nuclear stress test and was informed that it is now disallowed by Arizona Blue Cross/Blue Shield, as well as any other insurance company that they are aware of, stating this is directly due to Obamacare . . . the insurance companies are cutting costs by denying more and more life-saving tests/procedures.  The nuclear stress test is so critical because it is the one diagnostic test that definitively shows potential blockages going into and out of the heart . . . and can thereby prevent a heart attack, and it is the test that is directly responsible for John being alive and well today.  They shoot the nuclear material in his vein before he steps on the treadmill, and they take a detailed picture before the stress test, during and after the heart has rested when the test is over.  If they find damage or blockage (which they have in the past because a few years ago John was clogging up faster than the kitchen sink) then they call for further tests, mainly an Angiogram.  Because of the combined benefit from these tests, the resulting stints and medicines John was put on, he is fine and has passed every annual test with flying colors.  But that doesn’t mean his situation couldn't change.  So in a nutshell what the insurance company is saying is: So sorry, not allowing this preventative diagnostic test, John . . . and what they are really hoping for is that John will just drop over with a heart attack and die . . . save them any additional expense.   

This test, now that we are forced to pay for it out of pocket, is outrageously expensive!  And THIS after we already pay $1,000 a month for a personal group insurance major medical policy with a $5,000 deductible each, and after we received a notice three months ago from Az. Blue Cross/Blue Shield that, exclusive of the annual birthday threshold increase and annual cost basis adjustment they make, they were raising the whole groups' rate per month to cover ‘Recent unforeseen cost expenditures.’  Our added monthly premium amounted to $300.00. About a 40% hike in our rates out of the blue.  We jumped from $700.00 a month to $1,000.00.  Now we’re being denied a vitally important test which would alert John’s cardiologist if John needs further care to prevent another heart-attack. 

Frankly, John and I are livid.  You should be, too.  So please, friends and family, before you offer support or praise for Obamacare, ask yourself how you would feel if this were to happen to you personally, your spouse or your children!     John says, “Well, I've survived three heart attacks, so I guess we’ll just have to see if I can survive a fourth.”  We’ll see.

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