My first post on illegal immigration was politically correct and respectful . . . tactful. Now I'm gettin' steamed and I'm switching from tactful to tacky. So, emulating my illustrious Federal Government, I'm putting up a signpost: You're forewarned!
Within three of our beautiful states' counties, large areas have been cordoned off-limits by the Federal Government as being 'unsafe' for ARIZONA CITIZENS to enter because of the heavily-armed illegal drug traffickers with automatic weapons, illegal smugglers with automatic weapons and garden-variety illegals with whatever they can lay their hands on controlling them. Does this sink in?
CONTROLLING THEM! While to keep us safe our Federal Government charges to the rescue by putting up signs saying; 'Oooh, so sorry, but do you see the word 'ass' in No Trespassing? That's what you're gonna' lose if you go in there . . . Yes, Arizonans; it's
your ass . . . don't say we didn't warn you!' I say the Federal Government needs to get their head out of their 'No Tresp
assing' sooner, rather than later.
I hope enough Arizonans, no, not just Arizonans but Americans are outraged, simply aghast over this transfer of our sovereign soil from American-controlled to Mexican-controlled under our very noses, and can bring enough pressure to bear on the Federal Government to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I have all the confidence in the world they will . . . they'll take down the signs. The new ones replacing them will read; 'Just kidding!'