I've Come Home

I've Come Home
My book, "I've Come Home" is now for sale on Amazon.com in its new streamlined form! Thank you for sharing this info, friends!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tribute To My Dear Friend

Marjory, to you and your precious family, my family just wants to say how much we love and care about you, and you're in our thoughts and prayers!  Never forget what a special, amazing soul you are!  And not to worry:  I'm never going to let you forget it myself!  All our love to you and yours!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Two, Two, Two Books In One!

Only I could do this.  Creating, working, sweating over my book, fretting I wasn't producing a certifiable epic . . . I get it finished!!!  Go me, break out the happy drinks!  Oh, but wait:  I move forward with the natural progression an author takes after first finishing their book and second, recovering from the hangover; researching agents, how to write the best 'PICK ME!' query letter on the planet to keep me off the rejection pile, and I find out what?  Agents have a little 'gotcha'!  This would've been nice to know.  They will flat reject a first-time novelist if their manuscript is over a set number of words. (Ever notice how in a series of books many times the first one is the shortest? Now you know why.  Once you're an established author you can drivel with the best of them.) 

For my genre (paranormal romance) they want to see between 80,000 and 110,000 words.  Mine was 192,000.  So, why haven't I been on this blog for awhile?  I've been hacking my book to pieces . . . back to basics . . . See Spot . . . See Spot Run . . . And yes, those of you who know my flare for adjectives, I took every one of them out and still had over 175,000 words . . . then I got to furiously deleting entire scenes . . . still at 150,000.  My book was going from this:    "You and I are going to survive this crappy mess!" to this: "You . . . are . . . crap!"  My characters sound like they're in dire need of English lessons.

It had been suggested to me that since my book had many characters and two intermingling storylines that I split it into two books.  I decided to quit fighting city hall.  I think.  One book or two, the epic will still be certifiable because the author is.  If I change my mind and stick with one book, maybe I'll try selling it in some country where they speak broken English.  "I . . . am . . . screwed."